GDP Deflator

美 [ˌdʒiː diː ˈpiː dɪˈfleɪtər]英 [ˌdʒiː diː ˈpiː dɪˈfleɪtə]
  • 网络国民生产总值折算指数;GDP平减数;GDP平减指数;平减指数;国内生产总值平减指数
GDP DeflatorGDP Deflator
  1. The GDP deflator is the ratio of nominal to real GDP it is a measure of the overall price level of the economy .


  2. Although economists caution that GDP deflator numbers often contain technical anomalies , taken together the two indicators suggest broader inflationary pressures .


  3. The notoriously volatile gross domestic product numbers were better than expected , though the real rate of growth was flattered by a quarter-on-quarter 0.3 per cent fall in the GDP deflator .


  4. In the long term , economic growth impact on both considerable , changes in money supply or investment lead to the variation range of CPI larger than GDP deflator . Changes in foreign exchange reserves lead to the adverse result .


  5. It is found that , in the short term , if economic grow too fast or the money supply increase , the rate of GDP deflator increase greater than CPI . It is opposite that if the investment or foreign exchange reserves increase .


  6. This paper mainly uses five price indexes to measure the overall level of prices in China . These price indexes are GDP deflator , producer price index ( PPI ), consumer price index ( CPI ), rural consumer price index and urban consumer price index .


  7. Now , the GDP deflator is an odd number in China . It consistently comes in higher than the CPI figure , mainly because investment is the dominant component in growth and the prices of investment goods have been rising faster than those for consumer goods .


  8. The most general measure of the level of prices , the GDP deflator , peaked in Japan in the second quarter of 1994 and has fallen a cumulative 17 per cent since then ( in the same period the US deflator is up 42 per cent ) .


  9. Gross domestic product ( GDP ) deflator is the ratio of nominal GDP and real GDP .
